

1. An Introduction to Gauge Theory

授课教师何思奇,Stony Brook University

课程时间:2020/7/20-2020/8/21 每周二和周四 上午900-1100

课程地点:腾讯会议(ID: 303 737 053

课程介绍: Mathematical gauge theory is the study of elliptic partial differential equations comes from physics, which are invariant under the action of a group of bundle automorphism. In this mini course, we will in particular talk about mathematical side of the Yang-Mills equations and its interaction with four manifold.


The first part of the course will briefly introduce some background on differential manifold, including the theory of bundles and connections, Chern-Weil theory, elliptic operator and elliptic estimates.

The second part of the course will talk about the Yang-Mills equations. We discuss some basic tools in study the moduli space of gauge theory equations. We will sketch the proof of the Uhlenbeck compactness theorem, ADHM construction and Donaldson diagonalization theorem.


[1] Freed and Uhlenbeck, Instantons and Four Manifold

[2] Donaldson and Kronheimer, Geometry of Four Manifold


预备知识: 微分流形。 

主讲人介绍: Siqi He is currently a postdoc at Simons Center of Geometry and Physics in Stony Brook University. He mainly focus on different kind of gauge theory equations, including the Kapustin-Witten equations, the Hitchin-Simpson equations.

视频回放:Lecture 1-Gauge theory.mp4 Lecture 2-Gauge theory.mp4

 Lecture 3-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4 Lecture 3-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4

Lecture 4-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 4-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4 

Lecture 5-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 5-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4

Lecture 6-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 6-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4

Lecture 7-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 7-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4

Lecture 8-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 8-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4

Lecture 9-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 9-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4

Lecture 10-Gauge theory(Part 1).mp4Lecture 10-Gauge theory(Part 2).mp4

讲义:Lecture 1-Gauge theory.pdf Lecture 2-Gauge theory.pdf Lecture 3-Gauge theory.pdf

Lecture 4-Gauge theory.pdf Lecture 5-Gauge theory.pdf Lecture 6-Gauge theory.pdf 

Lecture 7-Gauge theory.pdf  Lecture 8-Gauge theory.pdf  Lecture 9-Gauge theory.pdf

Lecture 10-Gauge theory.pdf

作业:HW 1-Gauge theory.pdf  HW2-Gauge theory.pdf  HW3-Gauge theory.pdf

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2. Teichmüller空间简介


课程时间:2020/7/20-2020/7/31 每周一和周三 上午9:00-11:00

课程地点:腾讯会议(ID: 986 568 112

课程简介:  作为黎曼曲面Teichmüller空间的入门短课,介绍Teichmüller空间的基本知识.主要内容包括Teichmüller空间的定义; Fenchel-Nielsen坐标Teichmüller映射; Teichmüller空间的复结构; Teichmüller测地流及其应用


1) Teichmüller空间的定义,双曲几何, Fenchel-Nielsen坐标

2) 全纯二次微分; Teichmüller映射; Teichmüller度量

3) Bers嵌入; Bers同时单值化; Weil-Petersson度量

4) Teichmüller 测地流; Teichmüller圆盘; Veech曲面


[1] Ahlfors, Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings (University Lecture Series). AMS, 2006.

[2] Hubbard,  Teichmuller theory and Application to Geometry, Topology and Dynamics. Vol.1 Teichmuller theory. 


预备知识: 复变函数黎曼曲面

主讲人介绍: 苏伟旭复旦大学副研究员从事Teichmüller空间及其相关领域的研究

视频回放:Lecture 1-Teichmuller空间.mp4 

 Lecture 2-Teichmuller空间(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 2-Teichmuller空间(Part 2).mp4 Lecture 3-Teichmuller空间.mp4

Lecture 4-Teichmulelr空间(Part 1).mp4  Lecture 4-Teichmuller空间(Part 2).mp4

讲义:Lecture 1-Teichmuller空间.pdf  Lecture 2-Teichmuller空间.pdf Lecture 3-Teichmuller空间.pdf

Lecture 4-Teichmuller空间.pdf

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