

Workshop on Resurgence Theory in Mathematical physics

Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China

June 17-19, 2024 




Travel Info

Registration:10:00-20:00, June 16, 2024

Place: Jiayuan Hotel  (Guest House of Chern Institute)

             Nankai University,

            94 Weijin Road, Tianjin, P.R. China

Jiayuan Hotel Tel.: +86 22 2350 8089 (in Chinese)

                               +86 22 2350 8228 (in English)


Options of traveling to CIM.pdf


Resurgence theory lies at the crossroad of mathematics and mathematical physics. It was founded in 1980 in the context of dynamical systems but has become a fixture in the past decade’s mathematics/physics research literature, with a burst of activity in applications ranging from ordinary differential equations on the complex domain, wall-crossing phenomena in geometry and topology, and exact WKB method to deformation quantization and Topological Quantum Field Theory.

We will organize a workshop on Resurgence Theory in Mathematical Physics from 17th to 19th June 2024 at the Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University in Tianjin, China.

The workshop aims to provide an introduction to these advanced topics (mainly gauge theory and topological string theory), survey the recent developments, investigate the open problems and conjectures, and stimulate new collaborations between participants from different research fields. The topics will be resurgence theory, Wall-crossing structures, holomorphic Floer theory, Exact WKB theory, gauge theory and topological string theory. 

Along with the research talks, there will be three two-part mini courses.

We will cover the local expenses at the Chern Institute of Mathematics, including accommodation and meals.

You are welcome to join us if you are interested in the subject; please let us know no later than May 31st by writing an email to 


Invited Speakers:

Dylan Allegretti, Tsinghua U. 

Hee-Joong Chung, Jeju National U. 

Jie Gu, Southeast U.

Sergei Gukov, Caltech

Maxim Kontsevich*, IHES

Qiongling Li, Nankai U.

Emanuel Scheidegger, Peking U.

Maximilian Schwick, Geneva U.

Hongfei Shu, Zhengzhou U.

Campbell Wheeler, IHES

Xiaomeng Xu, Peking U.

Bin Zhang, Sichuan U.

Jie Zhou, Tsinghua U.

*=to be confirmed

Organizing committee:

Yong Li (Tsinghua University, Beijing), 

David Sauzin (Capital Normal University, Beijing, on leave from IMCCE, Paris) 

Shanzhong Sun (Capital Normal University, Beijing)